In a job market with the lowest unemployment rates in generations, most of us are at some level short staffed. The concept of Hiring Clean provides benefits that propel your company during this challenging new time. For the Miick Systems team Hiring Clean is about knowing what behaviors we’re looking for. Making sure that we don’t just take a warm body. Hiring Clean is let’s be interviewing at all times and let’s really define what an excellent team member looks like. That person is the only person we hire.
Hiring Clean is about defining what great means. Great is a story word! For example, great attitude is a story. What does great attitude even mean until we actually do the diligent work of defining what are the behaviors and habits that we’re looking for that leads to great, what are the data pieces that allow us to define greatness? That definition is the thing that we look for in hiring. Do we even know what ‘A+’ behaviors are for our existing team? Have we even clearly defined to ourselves what ‘A+’ excellence looks like in these roles and in these tasks? Have we articulated this to our team and how do we hire for it?
Regarding Hiring Clean Rudy Miick states “In a time like we’re going through now keep interviewing, I’m not saying keep hiring, I’m saying keep interviewing!” Miick Systems works to build new creative ways to recruit, focusing on: here’s the culture we build, here’s the spirit of the place in which we work, this is the way we engage our guests or our members. The concept is truly knowing to define what we’re looking for in terms of a good applicant and continuously interview in search of that person.
For more on Hiring Clean and the 5 Core Truths of Hiring, tune in to Miick Systems Podcast.